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- Anshul Adve, Colleen Robichaux, Alexander Yong, An efficient algorithm for deciding vanishing of Schubert polynomial coefficients, Advances in Math, Volume 383, 4 June 2021, 107669.
- József Balogh, Felix Christian Clemen, Emily Heath, Mikhail Lavrov, A strengthening of the Erdős-Szekeres theorem. European J. Combin. 101 (2022), Paper No. 103456.
- József Balogh, Michelle Delcourt, Emily Heath, Lina Li, Generalized rainbow Turán numbers of odd cycles, Discrete Math. 345 (2022), no. 2, Paper No. 112663, 4 pp.
- József Balogh, Sean English, Emily Heath, Robert A. Krueger, Lower bounds on the Erdős-Gyárfás problem via color energy graphs, submitted.
- József Balogh, Ramon I. Garcia, Michael C. Wigal, On the number of P-free set systems for tree posets P, submitted, 2024.
- József Balogh, Robert A. Krueger, Haoran Luo, Sharp threshold for the Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem, submitted.
- József Balogh, William Linz, Short proofs of two results about intersecting set systems, submitted.
- József Balogh, The Nguyen, Patric R. J. Östergård, Ethan Patrick White, Michael C. Wigal, Improving Uniquely Decodable Codes in Binary Adder Channels, submitted, 2023.
- Richard Bi, Peter Bradshaw, Flexibility of graphs with maximum average degree less than 3, (arXiv: 2310.02979, 2023+).
- Peter Bradshaw, Fractional colorings of partial t-trees with no large clique, submitted 2023.
- Peter Bradshaw, Rainbow spanning trees in random subgraphs of dense regular graphs, Discrete Math. 347 (2024), no. 6, Paper No. 113960.
- Peter Bradshaw, Yaobin Chen, Hao Ma, Bojan Mohar, Hehui Wu, List Avoiding Orientations, Combinatorica (2024).
- Peter Bradshaw, Alexander Clow, Ladislav Stacho, Cornering robots to synchronize a DFA, submitted 2024.
- Peter Bradshaw, Jinghan A Zeng, Paintability of r-chromatic graphs, submitted, 2024.
- David Brewster, Reuven Hodges, Alexander Yong, Proper permutations, Schubert geometry, and randomness, submitted, 2021.
- Shiliang Gao, Reuven Hodges, Gidon Orelowitz, Multiplicity-free skew Schur polynomials, submitted, 2021.
- Shiliang Gao, Gidon Orelowitz, Alexander Yong, Newell-Littlewood numbers, Transactions of the AMS, to appear, 2021.
- Shiliang Gao, Gidon Orelowitz, Alexander Yong, Newell-Littlewood numbers II: Extended Horn inequalities, submitted, 2021.
- Yibo Gao, Reuven Hodges, Alexander Yong, Classification of Levi-spherical Schubert varieties, submitted, 2021.
- Alexandr V. Kostochka, Grace McCourt, Mina Nahvi, On sizes of 1-cross intersecting set pair systems.
- Alexandr V. Kostochka, Mina Nahvi, Douglas B. West, Dara Zirlin, Acyclic graphs with at least 2ℓ+1 vertices are ℓ-recognizable.