Spring 2013
- 2013-01-15: Michael Ferrara – Some Extremal Results on Potentially H-Graphic Sequences
- 2013-01-16: Michael Ferrara – Results and Open Problems on Saturated Graphs of Minimum Size
- 2013-01-22: Dan Cranston – Coloring a claw-free graph with ∆-1 colors
- 2013-01-29: —- job talk
- 2013-02-05: Derrick Stolee
- 2013-02-12: Gregory J. Puleo
- 2013-02-19: Sogol Jahanbekam
- 2013-02-26: Bernard Lidicky – Planar 4-critical graphs
- 2013-03-05: Ilkyoo Choi – The List Version of the Borodin–Kostochka Conjecture for Graphs with Large Max Degree
- 2013-03-12: Jonathan Cutler
- 2013-03-14: Jan Volec – A problem of Erdos and Sos on 3-graphs
- 2013-03-19: SPRING BREAK
- 2013-03-26: Jaehoon Kim – Saturation Number of Ramsey-Minimal Graphs for Matchings
- 2013-04-02: Bernard Lidicky – 3-coloring planar graphs with four triangles
- 2013-04-09: Anastasios Sidiropoulos
- 2013-04-16: Derrick Stolee
- 2013-04-23: André Raspaud – Improper Coloring, a relaxation of Steinberg Conjecture and (i, j, k)-coloring of graphs
- 2013-04-30: Cory Palmer
- 2013-05-24: Jan Volec
- 2013-06-03: Jan Ekstein – Hamiltonian Cycles in the Square of a Graph
- 2013-06-04: Premysl Holub – Closure operations and forbidden induced subgraphs